
Parent Learning and Support

Our programmes are normally delivered in weekly daytime and evening group sessions. Our team is great at building a safe and supportive environment for Mums and Dads and other caregivers to discuss their concerns, practice new strategies, support one another and appreciate they are not alone in their parenting challenges.


See what programmes are on this term!


White Water Years (WWY)

A learning and support group, developed by Jigsaw Whanganui, for parents and caregivers of pre-teens and teens.  It provides ways for us to explore and discover how we can parent alongside our tamariki and children as they grow through their teen years.


It aims to build skills and confidence in areas such as:

  • Relationship and connection with our teens
  • Respectful communication in our whānau
  • Strategies to respond to our teens needs
  • Understanding developmental stages of teens

Building Awesome Whānau (BAW)

A learning and support group for whānau caring for tamariki and children 0-12 years that draws on the unique wisdoms of Aotearoa. It provides space for whānau to share experiences and weave these together with a resource packed with stories and practical strategies. Resource developed by Parenting Place NZ

The group will explore:

  • Laying the foundations – Building your family on aroha
  • Parents are the roof – Protecting your whānau
  • The walls of the whare – Boundaries to keep the good stuff in and the bad stuff out
  • Keeping it sweet – Atmosphere is everything!
  • Cool korero – Communication
  • Outside the whare – Living in the big wide world


The Incredible Years

An extensively researched programme that supports parents/caregivers to enjoy the social and emotional development of their children and tamariki aged 3-8 years.


It aims to provide practical skills to build our confidence in areas such as:

  • Growing relationships with our children and tamariki through play
  • Encouraging behaviours we want to see more of
  • Effective communication
  • Dealing with specific problem behaviours such as meltdowns, not listening, fighting, attitude



PLS Programme Flyer Term 2 2024

No shoulds, no judgements – just lots of fun and useful stuff!

Our Kaimahi are very happy to meet with you to discuss how our groups could work for you, please call or contact Jigsaw Whanganui to arrange.

Request for Services

You can download our Request for Service form here.


If you are ready to talk we are here to listen and help

You can contact us the way you feel the most comfortable.

Suite 10, 236 Victoria Avenue,

Send us a message